Fly with us!
YANA Study abroad program
for children raised in welfare homes.


Nahyeon is a new YANA Study
Abroad Program participant.
In January 2022, he will enroll
at the University of Utah
as an ELI (English Language Institution)
student to study English.
Na hyeon will attend culinary school
after completing his education at ELI.

I first entered the welfare center when I was 4 years old.
Although I don’t have any memories of or keep in touch with my birth mother,
I was still able to mature into a person of sound body and mind
through the care of the director and the center mothers.
Growing up, I lacked patience and grit and found myself
often times giving up in the midst of many presented opportunities.
I had no interest in studying and lost my chance to apply to
my high school of choice due to low academic performance.
At that moment, I thought of all the younger children at the center.
I resolved to become better because they were looking up to me.
Through rigorous studying, I was able to become valedictorian and I tried
to live a life I was proud of as the president of the student body for all 3 years.
One day in my junior year, I happened to attend a lecture by a well-known chef.
It changed my life forever. I began to dream of becoming a chef
that could cater to people’s hearts through food.
I aspire to be a chef.
I’m so happy and grateful that YANA Ministry provided me
with this opportunity to study in a more global setting.
Because I have received so much unconditional love and support,
I hope to one-day give back to those that need it.